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Our History
The story of IFAWPCA, or the International Federation of Asian and Western Pacific Contractors’ Associations, replicates the story of the regional construction industry after the 2nd world war.
A story which began with a vision, born in a region devastated by conflict—and whose people neither lost their faith to rebuild their lands, nor their courage to face the odds that loomed in the horizon.

A dynamic international organization, IFAWPCA plays a critical role;
- in promoting international fellowship and cooperation;
- in developing beneficial relationships between governments and contractors in the region, and;
- in establishing cooperative working arrangements in the furtherance of civil and building construction projects.
For over half a century, IFAWPCA pursed the need for exchange of ideas, experiences, amd construction technology amongst its members and affiliates in different climates and geographical settings.
From its inception in Manila, Philippines in 1956, pioneered by only eight (8) founding members from Australia, China (Taiwan), Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Pakistan, Philippines and Singapore. IFAWPCA today groups the fraternity of builders in eighteen (18) countries of ASEAN and its neighbors, to the South-Asian capitals of New Delhi and Colombo.
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