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Federation News
19 January 2021

IFAWPCA and International Engineering Federation FIDIC have signed a Memorandum of Agreement for two years which will strengthen the relationship of both organizations and ensure a better outcome for construction industry and built environment.
This major collaboration will enhance innovation, professional collaboration and knowledge sharing between engineering professionals as well as supporting upgrade of skills and professional development. The MOA will deliver a range of positive outcomes including:
Establish a knowledge sharing platform to disseminate publications, research reports, market dynamics information and business knowledge in their areas of strength and to carry out join efforts to upgrade their respective brand influence and international standing.
Carrying out activities and research in the professional field. The two organization will jointly explore the application of FIDIC Contracts and the FIDIC Golden Principles for a major infrastructure projects funded by the International Financial Institutions in the region and develop a standard template for documents to support their use on the projects.
IFAWPCA will encourage their members in Asian and Western Pacific contractors to use FIDIC preferred selection method (QBS) and explore its application on international funded projects in the region.
To strengthens exchanges of discussion of opportunities between Asian and Western Pacific contractors and consultants, international or local on other international projects.
Remarking on the signing of the agreement, IFAWPCA President Mr. Mohamed Ali Janah, said “Today, marks a milestone in the history of IFAWPCA and I am confident that this formalization of the relationship between both our prominent and highly respected Federations’ will be extremely beneficial to the industries and communities that we serve. With the assistance of FIDIC professionals and our valued members, let us all contribute to build back a more sustainable, resilient and resolute construction industry for our members and the international construction industry.”
Stating on the agreement, FIDIC Chief Executive Officer Dr. Nelson Ogunshakin, OBE said, “I am delighted that FIDIC has signed this landmark agreement with the IFAWPCA and that we will be working closely with them on areas of mutual interest. Our MoU will be a big boost for members of FIDIC and IFAWPCA and those international consulting and engineering firms and contractors that work in the Asia Pacific region and also the wider global construction sector and we are looking forward to working with IFAWPCA over the next two years.”
FIDIC, the International Federation of Consulting Engineers, is the global representative body for national associations of consulting engineers and represents over one million engineering professionals and 40,000 firms in more than 100 countries worldwide.
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For further information please contact: IFAWPCA Permanent Secretariat email: or
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