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Khulan Lkhagvasuren
Mongolian National Construction Association
Ms. Khulan Lkhagvasuren spent her childhood in Europe, where she graduated from her secondary school in Prague, Czechoslovakia followed by her BA Degree in Trade Economics from Plekhanov Russian University of Economics in Moscow, Russia.
After graduating her university, she started her carrier with the Market Research Institute (MRI) of the Ministry of Foreign Cooperation & Economy of Mongolia, where she served for more than 5 years. After accomplishment of her professional upgrading course in Germany, she returned back home and continued her carrier with various diplomatic missions and international organizations in Mongolia and abroad dedicating her gained knowledge, education and experience in the field of trade policy, trade and business promotion, SME development (construction, cashmere, textile, agriculture, meat, leather, food, and printing sectors), trade facilitation (single window, business process analysis, SEZ, standard) and other trade related topics. She has worked with the following organizations for more than 16 years:
Embassy of the Czech Republic in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Embassy of the United States of America in in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Embassy of Mongolia in Brussels, Belgium
Netherlands Embassy Liaison Office (NELO) in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) jointly implemented with the Foreign Investment and Foreign Trade Agency (FIFTA) of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIT) of Mongolia
- Project on Investment & Business Development and International and Executive Service Corps Global Technology Network (IESC/GTN
German Technical Cooperation Agency (GTZ) implemented with the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIT) of Mongolia
- Project on Export-oriented Industrial and Trade Policy
- Program on Rural Economic Development
German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ) jointly implemented with the Ministry of Finance (MoF) of Mongolia
- Regional Economic Cooperation and Integration in Asia and Great Tumen Initiative (GTI), Beijing, China and Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
- Integrated Mineral Resources Initiative’s Monterrey Project on Strengthening Mongolia’s Capacity in Regional Economic Integration
- Support for Economic Cooperation in Sub-regional Initiatives in Asia and Great Tumen Initiative (GTI), Beijing, China and Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
Since May 2014, Ms. Khulan Lkhagvasuren was appointed as an Honorary Consul of Estonia to Mongolia by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia, where she dedicates herself in dealing with trade, economic, business and cultural issues of the two countries. In here, her achievements was the Project implemented for Mongolian Journalists in gaining knowledge and experiences from Estonian E-Governance and E-Residence systems.
Also in in 2001, she became a member of the Junior Chamber of International (JCI), where she established her own Chapter in Mongolia and currently she is a Life-member of the JCI.
In 2016, she was invited to work as an Executive Director with the Mongolian National Construction Association (MNCA), which was established in 2009, based on her international knowledge and experiences, multiple foreign language skills and implementation of USAID construction projects in Mongolia.
Since then, she dedicated herself in improvement and strengthening of the MNCA’s operations and activities, increase of the membership, expansion of the domestic and foreign relationships and cooperation with related government organizations and its agencies, partnership with similar associations and projects and programs in country and abroad, reflection of the members’ views and recommendations to the government policy and protection of the members’ rights and interests along with providence of professional services to the members.
Today, the MNCA has more than 150 largest construction companies, the majority of whom are the investors and developers. Thanks to strong ambitions of the MNCA’s Presidents, Board members, Members and Secretariat Office, the function of the government services in issuing the Construction special permissions and licenses to the construction companies in Mongolia, was transferred to the MNCA since 2018, which became one of the best achievement of the organization. Besides, the MNCA is the Member of the IFAWPCA since 2015; has signed the MoU with Construction Association of Korea (CAK) in 2018; has signed the MoU with many other international organizations of the Czech Republic, China, Germany, France and Japan; has participated with four other local partners in the European Commission’s funded bidding and received a grant to implement four year Project on Fighting against air pollution in Ulaanbaatar city as well as in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development’s (EBRD) funded bidding and received in-kind grant to implement 1.8 year Project on Strengthening of the NGO’s Status since 2018, respectively.
​Last, but not least, Ms. Khulan Lkhagvasuren was honored by Medal of Honored Trade Officer by the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIT) of Mongolia in 2006 and Service Award Golden Pin by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) International Executive Service Corps/Global Technology Network Program of USA in 2002. She was contributing 29 years of her carrier in different domestic and overseas projects implemented in Austria, Belgium, China, Canada, Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Luxembourg, Portugal, Senegal, Tajikistan, Thailand, The Netherlands, UK, and USA.
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